Course curriculum

    1. What to Expect

    2. Join Zoom Information

    1. Ray 1: Will & Will Power

    2. 1st Ray Session

    3. 1st Ray Crystal Grid - Lemurian Quartz, Pyrite, Nuummite, and Tiger's Eye

    1. Day 2: Ray of Kindness & Compassion

    2. Ray 2 Session

    3. 2nd Ray Grid - Dream Quartz, Spessartine Garnet, Citrine, Herkimer Diamonds, Yellow Apatite, and Blue Scapolite

    1. Day 3: Ray of Active Intelligence

    2. Ray 3 Session

    3. 3rd Ray Grid: Aquamarine, Hiddenite, Sunstone, Celestite, and Charoite

    1. Day 4: Ray of Unity and Harmony

    2. Ray 4 Session

    3. 4th Ray Grid: Malachite, Ocean Jasper, Diana Marie Flourite, Colorado Amazonite, and Watermelon Tourmaline with Lepidolite

    1. Day 5: Ray of Knowledge

    2. Ray 5 Session

    3. Ray 5 Grid: Azurite, Epidote, Apophyllite, and Shaman Stone

About this course

  • $222.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content